A complete
set of tefillin


Tefillin battim


Tefillin parshiyos


Gladden an orphan


Tefillin straps


Choose your package

Please note that you will now be redirected to a secure external payment site to complete your donation

Kanfei Yona's emissaries will pray for you by the Avos Hakedoshim at the Meoras Hamachpeila.

Guidelines For Purchasing Tefilin

To download the Guidelines
:enter your email address here

Tefilla for the parents of the Bar Mitzvah Bochur

To download the Tefilla
:enter your email address here

Tefilla for the Bochur on
his Bar Mitzvah Day

To download the Tefilla
:enter your email address here

Contact Us

American office of Kanfei Yona
1133 Central Ave
Lakewood N.J. 08701

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