Families Express Gratitude
Reb Yechezkel of blessed memory, passed away after a severe and prolonged illness.
… the difficulty and hardship of life for the widowed mother who is coping alone.
Now the boy is approaching the age of mitzvot and needs help in purchasing tefillin.
– Rabbi Israel Goelman, Rav and Morah Tzedek "Sha'arei Torah", Ramot A – Jerusalem
"I wanted to show hakaras hatov for your assistance in purchasing tefillin for our student, orphaned from his mother… it made him very happy to know that Abba bought him mehudar tefillin, because you made this possible.
– Shlomo Yitzchok Leib, supervisor of Talmud Torah Darchei Avoseynu, Kiryat Sefer
"…Upon you is the bracha: 'Baruch asher yakim es divrei haTorah hazos', the Father of all Yesomim benches you: 'If you gladden Mine, I'll gladden yours'…there is no measurement to this mitzva's greatness…"
– Rav Yissochor Tzvi HaKohen Rozovsky, head of Machnovka Belz kollelim, for orphan from Beitar
"I'd like to thank you for this wonderful initiative, giving orphans mehudar tefillin… May Hashem bless all…donors of this holy endeavor with all that is good, shefa bracha, hatzlacha and besoros Tovos, nachas from the children, and all yeshuos."
– Rav Yedidya Asraf, Rav of Kehillas Be'er Moshe, Ashdod |
"…I wanted to express my deepest thanks… donating mehudar tefillin for my son. It helped us not only financially, during this financially challenging time, but additionally, your taking responsibility for ordering the mehadrin tefillin, lifts a heavy burden off my chest…"
– Widowed mother from Modi'in Illit
"…Mother was killed by a missile… fell on their Kiryat Malachi home 8 years ago… father remains handicapped, unable to work… all donors are partners in mitzvas tefillin, fulfilled continually by the orphan for many years to come… "
– Avraham Eliyahu Davidovitch, relative, orphaned family now in Beitar
"To the chashuva organization "Kanfei Yonah"…I don't have enough words to thank you for your major assistance in acquiring mehudar tefillin, written by an experienced, yerei Shamayim sofer…from our hometown, Modi'in Illit… may you always have the zechus to accomplish great things."
– Widowed father, Modi'in Illit
"…I cannot begin to describe what happens to the parent when they receive the funding; their eyes brighten, delighted they can purchase mehudar tefillin and make their son happy, even when one parent will be missing at his simcha…"
– Aharon Zev Ferster, director, 'Anu Banecha' orphan's organization, Yerushalayim