Families Express Gratitude

Your assistance and support are not merely material or physical; they also represent a great light of hope. They reflect mutual responsibility, as is the measure of the people of Israel who are responsible for one another.

– Rabbi Moshe Deutsch, Rav of "Vizhnitz" and the Geva Neighborhood, Netanya

you were the special messengers sent from heaven, as you merited to give a beautiful pair of tefillin to Bar Mitzvah boy. As a community support organization, we appreciate this and thank you for it.

– Ahavat Chesed in Eretz Yisroel

Reb Yechezkel of blessed memory, passed away after a severe and prolonged illness.

 … the difficulty and hardship of life for the widowed mother who is coping alone.

Now the boy is approaching the age of mitzvot and needs help in purchasing tefillin.

 – Rabbi Israel Goelman, Rav and Morah Tzedek "Sha'arei Torah", Ramot A – Jerusalem

"I'd like to express the widowers' and orphans' feelings… their happiness and gladness of heart; it's wonderful to see the joy on their faces and sparkling in their eyes when they hear the good news about the mehudar tefillin…"

– Chaim Meir Frankel, Lo Alman Israel organization, Modi'in Illit

"… 6 brothers left without a father…we 'jumped in' and ordered mehudar tefillin as the father bought for the older brothers, but we didn't know where we'd get the money to pay for it, until…you were… the shaliach…"

– Yisrael Meir, gabbai of the Ba'al Shem Tov shul, Ashdod

"… mother passed away… leaving 12 childrenI was glad to hear the family is happy and joyful that he has tefillin that are so mehudar… may all donors…merit a bounty of blessings, yeshuos and success in all areas…"

– Rav Nissim Yaakov Attia, on behalf of orphaned family, Ashdod

"…has no mother and is raised in my home… Hashem Yisborach… should bless you… with bonei, chayei umezoney; may the Shechina dwell in your actions; …may you merit greeting mashiach tzidkeynu, bimheyro beyomeinu.

– Rav Baruch Tzvi Rotner, Spinka Rebbe, Beit Shemesh

"I wanted to show hakaras hatov for your assistance in purchasing tefillin for our student, orphaned from his mother… it made him very happy to know that Abba bought him mehudar tefillin, because you made this possible.

– Shlomo Yitzchok Leib, supervisor of Talmud Torah Darchei Avoseynu, Kiryat Sefer

"Among their father's unique traits…was the love and effort he invested in his children, with uncommon mesirus nefesh… Surely your chessed won't go unnoticed; it is precious to Hashem, and He will do good to those who take care of His children… "

– Kollel of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Rechasim

"There is no way to imagine the greatness of your zechus …may this tremendous mitzva stand by you and your family for salvation, for all that is good, for baney, chayey, umezoney… for supporting the orphan's tefillin."

– Va'ad Kupah shel Tzedaka, Ramat Beit Shemesh

"I thank Hashem for helping me find you at my time of need; my son needed tefillin and I didn't have the means to pay for them… May the Avi Yesomim and Dayan Almanos shower goodness upon you, as you very well deserve!"

– Father of orphan, Yerushalayim

"…Your actions make and will continue to make more and more of an impact in shamayim and add many zechuyos to Am Yisroel. Tizku lemitzvos and may mitzvas tefillin bring… all the honorable donor's long life and shefa kodesh…"

– Talmud Torah 'Tzemach Tzaddik' of Mercaz Mosdos Vizhnitz, Ashdod

"At age 3 he was orphaned from his mother, who was diagnosed when he was 1. She cared for him with mesirus nefesh throughout her illness… May you always have the means to give to others… helping the youngsters fulfill these important mitzvos…"

– Father of orphan, Beitar

"…Upon you is the bracha: 'Baruch asher yakim es divrei haTorah hazos', the Father of all Yesomim benches you: 'If you gladden Mine, I'll gladden yours'…there is no measurement to this mitzva's greatness…"

– Rav Yissochor Tzvi HaKohen Rozovsky, head of Machnovka Belz kollelim, for orphan from Beitar

"We express our honor, appreciation and thanks… for our friend's son… may you be zoche to increase much chessed and tzedaka for Am Yisroel, and to continue to support yesomim."

– 'Rav Chessed' Chassidei Sassov tzedaka organization, for orphan from Bnei Brak.

"I thank Hashem for choosing you as shlichim to help me fulfill mitzvas tefillin, I'm even zoche to very mehudar tefillin, something I yearned for, a great while. For a long period, I had to use borrowed tefillin, now I can wear my very own…"

– Orphan from Elad

"We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donation toward covering the cost of the tefillin… my son was very, very happy and excited. May Avi Yesomim pay you back… may we hear besoros tovos…"

– Widowed father from Yerushalayim

" …When my son wears tefillin, his lips whispering "va'erastich', it will attest to your merciful heart. …May the One on high grant you from His wisdom, and 'ad bli dai' brachos.

I write this with tears, and great emotion, with appreciation and thanks."


– Widowed mother from Modi'in Illit

"… orphaned from his mother; it's a great mitzva to help him in all that's needed to fulfill mitzvas tefillin…you enabled the family to purchase mehudar tefillin… May you be blessed that…the Torah not leave your mouths, forever.

– Rav Ezra Hakohen Traub, Rav of Shechunas Hatikvah, Tel Aviv

"…Wanted to thank you for your great chessed, regarding the tefillin for my son… 5 years ago my wife became ill with cancer… may Hashem grant you joy… and grant the wishes of your hearts for the good, in order to better serve Him…"

– Father of orphan from Ofakim

"I'd like to thank you for this wonderful initiative, giving orphans mehudar tefillin… May Hashem bless all…donors of this holy endeavor with all that is good, shefa bracha, hatzlacha and besoros Tovos, nachas from the children, and all yeshuos."

– Rav Yedidya Asraf, Rav of Kehillas Be'er Moshe, Ashdod

"I cannot describe how much your assistance eases things, financially and also emotionally – knowing I'm not alone, someone's taking care of things… even though we don't exactly know each other… I think I'll remember your assistance, and special donation, forever!"

– Mother of orphan, from Arad

"…I wanted to express my deepest thanks… donating mehudar tefillin for my son. It helped us not only financially, during this financially challenging time, but additionally, your taking responsibility for ordering the mehadrin tefillin, lifts a heavy burden off my chest…"

– Widowed mother from Modi'in Illit

"To those who funded my tefillin: I just wanted to say thank you…for the mehudar tefillin you donated for my bar mitzva. It made myself and my mother very happy. May you merit all the blessings."

– Orphaned bar mitzva boy from Modi'in Illit

"…my talmid passed away… Certainly he'd purchase mehudar tefillin for his son, just as he did for the older son. Now…you're taking his place… Certainly, he'll have hakaras hatov and be a melitz yosher on your behalf before Hashem…"

– Rav Yissachar Shteinharter, Ram at Yeshivat Netivot Olam

"…If only you could witness the joy of the widow and orphan, and the emotion that overtook them when they heard the news of the tefillin's arrival; fortunate is he who cheers up the hearts of widows and orphans…"

– Kupat Tov V'chesed, Modi'in Illit

"…orphaned from his mother, living in the orphanage dormitory. A very sensitive boy.

I saw his face light up when he heard the good news… May the zechuyos of his tefillos bring you blessing and siyata dishmaya…"

– Boaz Badichi, principal of Talmud Torah 'Batei Avot Ponevezh', Bnei Brak

"…Nine years ago, our son passed away from cancer, leaving 4 small children. We assist the widow as much as we can… we're so glad to be able to order mehudar tefillin, just as his father had, and would have wanted his son to have…"

– Grandparents, from Yerushalayim

"…It's been 10 years since my brother-in-law passed away, leaving my sister to raise 9 orphans… she doesn't have the means to acquire mehudar tefillin… may the father of the orphans and widows pay… all those who assist… twofold and threefold…"

– Uncle of orphaned family from Bnei Brak

"…When worry weighs down upon you, it affects your mood especially at joyful times – with the thought: 'how can I be happy when I have this worrisome problem?' But when you know that another Yid… wants to gladden you… buying you mehudar tefillin, it warms your heart…"

– Orphaned family from Ashdod

“…My son was waiting impatiently to start donning tefillin a month before his bar mitzvah as is the minhag… I could not promise he’d have them in time. You were an angel of salvation… his joy cannot be expressed in words…”

– Widowed mother from Bnei Brak

"…Mother was killed by a missile… fell on their Kiryat Malachi home 8 years ago… father remains handicapped, unable to work… all donors are partners in mitzvas tefillin, fulfilled continually by the orphan for many years to come… "

– Avraham Eliyahu Davidovitch, relative, orphaned family now in Beitar

"…So many expenses, the daughter just got married and now the bar mitzvah, and the tefillin alone cost so much. We were glad to learn you can provide the lacking funding, for purchasing tefillin…"

– School administration of Divrei Emuna Toldos Aharon, Beit Shemesh

"…If our mouths were filled with song, we couldn't thank you enough for the tremendous gift to the orphaned boy, who made Aliya from Sumy, Ukraine… it was so special…"

– Rav Menachem Mendel Teichman, Russian olim aid – Netanya

"To the chashuva organization "Kanfei Yonah"…I don't have enough words to thank you for your major assistance in acquiring mehudar tefillin, written by an experienced, yerei Shamayim sofer…from our hometown, Modi'in Illit… may you always have the zechus to accomplish great things."

– Widowed father, Modi'in Illit

"…When he heard, that we can order tefillin from the same sofer his father used for his older brothers, he was so happy! May you always be blessed with the resources from which to give to others, with bounty and blessing, ad bli dai!"

– Widowed mother from Beit Shemesh

…My father was killed in a car accident… ever since, my mother has been struggling day after day… with the difficulty of parnosa… as my brother’s bar mitzvah approaches, you’ve brightened our home…”

– Bar mitzvah boy's older brother, Beit Shemesh

"…I'm preparing him for his Bar Mitzva. He's serious about his learning, asking many questions… orphaned from his father 10 years ago, his mother… is in financial hardship, even when it comes to day-to-day expenses…"

– Rav Ariel Chachamov, Rav of Beit Knesset Shema Koli, Ra'anana

“…I’ve been worrying for a long while how we’ll manage to cover the expense of tefillin… I’m marrying off a son and daughter this year; I’m still not ready for the wedding… you made my orphaned son so happy…"

– Widowed mother from Beit Shemesh

“…My son was worried and asked me: ‘Who will get me tefillin?’  I answered: ‘Avi Yesomim’ (i.e., Hashem). That same week, you brought us this joy.”

– Widowed mother from Beit Shemesh

"…With all the excitement and joy of B"H bringing my son into 'ol Torah umitzvos', the practical aspect and large expenses weigh heavily upon me… your donation for tefillin makes things much easier…"

– Widowed mother from Yerushalayim

"We would like express a heartfelt thank you, in the name of the orphaned families and of the 'Kupah Hasepharadit'… the simcha and light you brought these families who lost their endeared, is inexpressible…"

– Shlomo Yifrach, CEO of the 'Kupah Hasepharadit' of Ashdod

"…From the day his father passed away, he worried: 'What'll be with my Bar Mitzva? Who'll take care of the tefillin? And who'll sit next to me at the Bar Mitzva?' And other fears… Now, I was happy to report the good news…"

– Widowed mother from Beit Shemesh

"…He learns in a Talmud Torah despite his non-religious family background…They can order tefillin without going into debt. He was so excited to hear I'm ordering tefillin for him and is already making plans for someone to instruct him."

– Relative of family from Yerushalayim

"…I cannot begin to describe what happens to the parent when they receive the funding; their eyes brighten, delighted they can purchase mehudar tefillin and make their son happy, even when one parent will be missing at his simcha…"
– Aharon Zev Ferster, director, 'Anu Banecha' orphan's organization, Yerushalayim

"…I’m overcome with emotion over and over, each time I experience Am Yisroel’s virtue of ‘rachmanim bnei rachmanim’… raising 8 children alone is not easy – every assistance we get gives us tangible relief… May Hashem's bracha escort you throughout the years…”

– Widowed mother from Bnei Brak

A complete
set of tefillin


Tefillin battim


Tefillin parshiyos


Gladden an orphan


Tefillin straps


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Kanfei Yona's emissaries will pray for you by the Avos Hakedoshim at the Meoras Hamachpeila.

Guidelines For Purchasing Tefilin

To download the Guidelines
:enter your email address here

Tefilla for the parents of the Bar Mitzvah Bochur

To download the Tefilla
:enter your email address here

Tefilla for the Bochur on
his Bar Mitzvah Day

To download the Tefilla
:enter your email address here

Contact Us

American office of Kanfei Yona
1133 Central Ave
Lakewood N.J. 08701

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