"Abba won't be at my Bar Mitzvah,

But at least I'll have tefillin

Ima doesn't look as worried, and her smile's back."

!Help fund tefillin for Eretz Yisroel’s orphans

Who We Are

Kanfei Yona was founded by Reb Yitzchok Treisman in 2020, upon noticing the great difficulty and hardship orphans face while obtaining tefillin. Ever since, Kanei Yona has brought happiness to numerous orphans, providing them with kosher and mehudar tefillin in time for their bar mitzvahs.

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Hamlotzos from the Rabbonim

שקופית קודמת
שקופית הבאה

Families show gratitude

Your assistance and support are not merely material or physical; they also represent a great light of hope. They reflect mutual responsibility, as is the measure of the people of Israel who are responsible for one another.

– Rabbi Moshe Deutsch, Rav of "Vizhnitz" and the Geva Neighborhood, Netanya

you were the special messengers sent from heaven, as you merited to give a beautiful pair of tefillin to Bar Mitzvah boy. As a community support organization, we appreciate this and thank you for it.

– Ahavat Chesed in Eretz Yisroel

Reb Yechezkel of blessed memory, passed away after a severe and prolonged illness.

 … the difficulty and hardship of life for the widowed mother who is coping alone.

Now the boy is approaching the age of mitzvot and needs help in purchasing tefillin.

 – Rabbi Israel Goelman, Rav and Morah Tzedek "Sha'arei Torah", Ramot A – Jerusalem

"I'd like to express the widowers' and orphans' feelings… their happiness and gladness of heart; it's wonderful to see the joy on their faces and sparkling in their eyes when they hear the good news about the mehudar tefillin…"

– Chaim Meir Frankel, Lo Alman Israel organization, Modi'in Illit

"… 6 brothers left without a father…we 'jumped in' and ordered mehudar tefillin as the father bought for the older brothers, but we didn't know where we'd get the money to pay for it, until…you were… the shaliach…"

– Yisrael Meir, gabbai of the Ba'al Shem Tov shul, Ashdod

"… mother passed away… leaving 12 childrenI was glad to hear the family is happy and joyful that he has tefillin that are so mehudar… may all donors…merit a bounty of blessings, yeshuos and success in all areas…"

– Rav Nissim Yaakov Attia, on behalf of orphaned family, Ashdod

All photos are published with explicit permission.

A complete
set of tefillin


Tefillin battim


Tefillin parshiyos


Gladden an orphan


Tefillin straps


Choose your package

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Kanfei Yona's emissaries will pray for you by the Avos Hakedoshim at the Meoras Hamachpeila.

Tefilla for the parents of the Bar Mitzvah Bochur

To download the Tefilla
, enter your email address here

Tefilla for the Bochur on
his Bar Mitzvah Day

To download the Tefilla
, enter your email address here

Contact Us

American office of Kanfei Yona
1133 Central Ave
Lakewood N.J. 08701

דילוג לתוכן