"Abba won't be at my Bar Mitzvah,
Kanfei Yona was founded by Reb Yitzchok Treisman in 2020, upon noticing the great difficulty and hardship orphans face while obtaining tefillin. Ever since, Kanei Yona has brought happiness to numerous orphans, providing them with kosher and mehudar tefillin in time for their bar mitzvahs.
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Reb Yechezkel of blessed memory, passed away after a severe and prolonged illness.
… the difficulty and hardship of life for the widowed mother who is coping alone.
Now the boy is approaching the age of mitzvot and needs help in purchasing tefillin.
– Rabbi Israel Goelman, Rav and Morah Tzedek "Sha'arei Torah", Ramot A – Jerusalem
American office of Kanfei Yona
1133 Central Ave
Lakewood N.J. 08701
All donations are recognized
for tax purposes
About Us
Our Story
Our process
Families Express Gratitude
Bar Mitzva Tefillos
Guidelines on Purchasing Tefillin
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נבנה ע"י BH בניית אתרים
American office of Kanfei Yona
1133 Central Ave
Lakewood N.J. 08701